Are they selling doves in the gift shop. Matt. 21:12 He overturned the tables of the
money changers and the benches of those selling doves.
Are they selling doves in the gift shop. Matt. 21:12 He overturned the tables of the
money changers and the benches of those selling doves.
" you will never grow old..." a more grievous lie is hard to imagine.
i heard this one first in 1957. i was 6. my mother had just converted.
i heard it many times after that.
A few years ago an Elder came to my door and I told him I was once a elder.
He became a JW 1976 and he told me he remembered something about 1975 date and
brothers went beyond, reading something that wasn't there.
So I ask him , why do you think brothers were selling their homes and moving to serve more,
hell I moved to serve in another country. Was this a mass hysteria? We were preaching at the doors,
time is short you can kiss 1977 good bye. So we were all preaching a false message and the GB
didn't stop us....
He told me he will be back and talk with me, that was 5 years ago.....LOL
the watchtower today says not to think of sex, or to have sexual fantasies.
i'm just wondering... how many people in the hall hearing this watchtower today would be having sexual fantasies?
sitting there thinking about sister hottie or brother hunky ?.
My sons told me they learned more about sex at the KH then at school.
Talking about oral sex, mutual masturbation and other stuff that a 9-10 year old shouldn't
hear... Hell for many young men and women sexual fantasies began in the KH.....What's
the deal with the WT and sex.....
" you will never grow old..." a more grievous lie is hard to imagine.
i heard this one first in 1957. i was 6. my mother had just converted.
i heard it many times after that.
So many xJW friends are suffering today, we all became JW's in the 60's and 70's..Many
are still working, traveling to Mexico for medical and medicine. I just learn that a good friend
and wife seeking dental work in Mexico, they didn't save for their twilight years. Several brothers
worked for themselves and didn't save or put enough in SSI....It's sad and I feel for them....
The sad part their kids are no longer in their life, many left when they became of age.....
we really went at it this weekend.
pretty ugly!
well at least now the air is cleared.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
enigma1863: Great idea "reality TV show", cast the GB.. But seriously the show
would be a big hit and maybe wake some folks up. Build a replica of the ark, set it a drift
for one year and then air left it at the top of 10000 ft summit and watch as all the animals
make their way down to sea level...I would love to see the GB set sail and clean crap for one year..
San Diego wild Animal park.. Employees-500, park 1800 acres, capacity 3000 animals.
THE boat....employees 8, 17400 birds, 12000 reptiles, 9000 mammals, 5000 amphibians and
2,000,000 insects, give or take a hundred or so.
Please people get your head out of your Ass if you believe this story.....
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
prologos>>the water receded and Noah was still at stratospheric or 29000 feet ...
When he came down it was dry land. So the point he wasn't on Mt Everest at 29000 feet
but at 15000 feet it can get very cold if that little boat was waiting for dry land below.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
"One big boat", just think this man built the largest boat ever built(at that time) with the help of wife
and sons after mankind had only been on earth 1500-1600 years and he lived 900 years.
Where did he learn the trade as a master ship builder. OK I know God gave him instruction.LOL
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
The altitude problem. Mt. Everest today is 29042 feet high and I know some will say it
wasn't the high in Noah's day (tectonic plate shift not well understood by religious zealots)
but if you figure mountains grow 4 millimeters a year over 4-5 thousands years = what?
Noah's ark was floating for about a year at stratospheric levels. How would that effect humans
and mostly the animals, lack of oxygen, also it could get mighty nippy (like 10 below Fahrenheit.
Not good weather for elephants, hippos and it would kill off all insects and bird life.
I don't believe in the flood but I was reading some info from religious folks explaining how this was possible.
"Oxygen remain the same as the water level elevated".The question how long did Noah stay in the
Ark before walking on dry land , the time frame between the dove searching for dry land and the water receding.
At 29042 feet most folks need oxygen.....that's why you want see peacocks strolling on the summit of Mt, Everest.